I've decided to host a bi-weekly (twice a month) challenge thread here at Two Peas. The more you play, the more chances you have to win a small scrapping goody from me (and some others who are donating prizes!!) and the more pages you will get done!
Please link up your creation in this thread for a chance to win and I will also have a challenge box you can check during the upload process.
Look for **Stash Busters Challenge**
**You can combine all these prompts. Each prompt you use is good for one chance to win...so use 3 prompts on one layout = 3 chances to win!***
We all like to get comments on our pages so if you are playing along please try to find the time to return the favor!
Deadline for these challenges are MONDAY April 8th by 11:59 pm PST
Prompt #1
Use a chevron on your layout. There a bunch of options for this. Patterned paper, washi, stamps...I'm sure you have something with a chevron print in your stash.
Two fun examples I found in the gallery are this one from

and this one from Mary Ann Jenkins

Prompt #2
Bingo cards and butterflies. Use them both on a layout. I took a page out of Shimelle's play book for this one.

A link to her actual post (from August 2011) features a video!

This page was in the gallery:

Page created by Flip_pea_ng...page link HERE
Prompt #3
Use this recipe:
- 1 photo
- 1 patterned paper
- mist, ink or paint
- one or more stamps
- use a shape punch or diecut shape
You can add more paper and embellishment but must have at least one of each recipe element.
Sample page by Stephanie Wheeler. Recipe also from Stephanie and Cocoa Daisy Spring 2012 crop.

Prompt #4
Use this layout as inspiration.

From Two Peas gallery of SanELi
eamail me your name and address!!!!
Prompts will now be open for two weeks!
I've decided to host a bi-weekly (twice a month) challenge thread here at Two Peas. The more you play, the more chances you have to win a small scrapping goody from me (and some others who are donating prizes!!) and the more pages you will get done!
Please link up your creation in this thread for a chance to win and I will also have a challenge box you can check during the upload process.
Look for **Stash Busters Challenge**
**You can combine all these prompts. Each prompt you use is good for one chance to win...so use 3 prompts on one layout = 3 chances to win!***
We all like to get comments on our pages so if you are playing along please try to find the time to return the favor!
Deadline for these challenges are MONDAY April 22nd by 11:59 pm PST
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BONUS PROMPT FOR WEEK 2
Use red, white and blue on your layout. You can use other colors too but the focus should be on those 3. Scroll all the way down in the thread to see some page samples.
Prompt #1
Use at least 3 round embellishments on your page. Buttons, brads, doilies, punched circles, flair, candy dots etc.
Here's a pretty page by GG Paige Taylor Evans (link HERE)

or this awesome page by robkaynel(a Stashbuster!!) (link HERE)

Prompt #2
Use text or map patterned paper on your layout. As long as it has words or numbers on it, it counts. You could even design your own embellishments featuring the paper.
This one is digi but can easily be done with paper (By fruitysuet )

another map one by Margrethe

This page by Mary Ann Jenkins has text on it.

I think I pick a Mary Ann Jenkins layout every time. I really love her style. Her gallery is HERE
Prompt #3
Use a grid design for your page layout. I like these two layouts both by
Lisa Dickinson. Her blog is HERE

Prompt #4
Use product by the following manufacturers:
Jillibean Soup
Basic Grey
K & Co.
My Mind's Eye (MME)
Fancy Pants
Crate Paper
Everyone is welcome to play! Pick a prompt and jump right in!
Prompts will now be open for two weeks!
I've decided to host a bi-weekly (twice a month) challenge thread here at Two Peas. The more you play, the more chances you have to win a small scrapping goody from me (and some others who are donating prizes!!) and the more pages you will get done!
Please link up your creation in this thread for a chance to win and I will also have a challenge box you can check during the upload process.
Look for **Stash Busters Challenge**
**You can combine all these prompts. Each prompt you use is good for one chance to win...so use 3 prompts on one layout = 3 chances to win!***
We all like to get comments on our pages so if you are playing along please try to find the time to return the favor!
Deadline for these challenges are MONDAY JULY 29th by 11:59 pm PST
Prompt #1
Arrows & Anchors
Use at least 2 or more arrows or at least 1 anchor on your page. Patterned paper counts for this.
Have you seen this gorgeous page by Cengland???

Leave her love HERE
Love this page by Lisa Truesdell

Great arrow page by Geekgalz

This one by Susan Weinroth has arrows and an anchor ( and a really big photo!)

Prompt #2
Use your scraps!
Where do you store your scraps? I have mine in a 2 gallon ziplock bag, organized by color. When it's bursting, that means I have too many!
Over these next two weeks, I want you to go through your scraps and pull at 3 pieces to use them on a page or a card. While you go through them, get rid of the ones you know you will never miss.
Some ideas:
Punch shapes out of your scraps (butterflies, circles, borders)
Cut into strips and layer behind a photo.
I love this page by Elizabeth Kartchner.

Page by Jendcnguyen
Her blog is here
Page by Maria Featon

Great page by Audrey Yeager

Prompt #3
Use this Allison Davis sketch
It is featured on the Simple Stories blog HERE where she gives a link to exact measurements.
Shimelle featured it on her blog HERE
where she also made a process video.
Allison Davis' blog is HERE
Use it as a one or two pager!
Prompt #4
Use at least 2 of these manufacturers on your project.
Jenni Bowlin
Studio Calico
October Afternoon
Amy Tangerine (American Crafts)
Heidi Swapp
Scenic Route
My Mind's Eye
Here's a page featuring Jenni Bowlin Product and a Fiskars scalloped square punch (I'm in a vintage mood)
Page by Lisa Dickinson

Everyone is welcome to play! Pick a prompt and jump right in!
Prompts will now be open for two weeks!
I've decided to host a bi-weekly (twice a month) challenge thread here at Two Peas. The more you play, the more chances you have to win a small scrapping goody from me (and some others who are donating prizes!!) and the more pages you will get done!
Please link up your creation in this thread for a chance to win and I will also have a challenge box you can check during the upload process.
Look for **Stash Busters Challenge**
You can submit more than one page/project for each challenge so feel free to make use of your inspiration.
**You can combine all these prompts. Each prompt you use is good for one chance to win...so use 3 prompts on one layout = 3 chances to win!***
We all like to get comments on our pages so if you are playing along please try to find the time to return the favor!
Deadline for these challenges are MONDAY September 9th by 11:59 pm PST
Use flair on a page/ card/project
If you don't have flair, use buttons.
Pages I found in the gallery:
by Diane Payne

Page by Amy Tangerine

This one by Jess Mutty (GooPea)

And this great blog post by Two Peas with ten ideas to use flair.
September means back-to-school in NY. Make a page featuring school,or learning, or work.
Page by Rebecca Keppel

From Jen Gallacher

It also has a process video to go along with it......
Memories Made Process Video #24
Page by Michelle Hernandez

Make a monochromatic layout. Use one color dominantly and you can add in neutrals. I was inspired by this post at American Crafts blog
Page by Erin Stewart
Page by @Adrianna Rodriguez

This one by chelsp82

Leave her love here
Prompt #4
Use this layout by Wendy Sue Anderson as inspiration. I love the sweet banner across the top and the layered ones under the photo.

Everyone is welcome to play! Pick a prompt and jump right in!
Prompts will now be open for two weeks!
I've decided to host a bi-weekly (twice a month) challenge thread here at Two Peas. The more you play, the more chances you have to win a small scrapping goody from me (and some others who are donating prizes!!) and the more pages you will get done!
Please link up your creation in this thread for a chance to win and I will also have a challenge box you can check during the upload process.
Look for **Stash Busters Challenge**
You can submit more than one page/project for each challenge so feel free to make use of your inspiration.
**You can combine all these prompts. Each prompt you use is good for one chance to win...so use 3 prompts on one layout = 3 chances to win!***
We all like to get comments on our pages so if you are playing along please try to find the time to return the favor!
Deadline for these challenges are MONDAY September 23rd by 11:59 pm PST
Prompt #1
Use black as a background. It can be a pattern with black in it or a solid black. Great for mixing with bright colors, or B&W photos or formal and vintage layouts.
I love this one by Stacy Cohen
Great page by Kim Moreno

and this one

Prompt #2
Use this sketch from September Pagemaps

Sample by Lynn Ghahary

Prompt #3
This prompt was suggested by kiwijesta....(Thanks Jess)
Scraplift a Stashbuster!!!!
I've linked up galleries from last round's players. If you don't want to be included please peamail me.
senorita scrapper
freckled cupcake
dark chami
emily redfield
Mary Jo R
Jan Gram
Prompt #4
Use any of these manufacturers on your page: can be paper or embellishments.
American Crafts
Bo Bunny
Crate Paper
October Afternoon
Ki Memories
I found this page by Becki Adams using American Crafts

Everyone is welcome to play! Pick a prompt and jump right in!
Prompts will now be open for two weeks!
I've decided to host a bi-weekly (twice a month) challenge thread here at Two Peas. The more you play, the more chances you have to win a small scrapping goody from me (and some others who are donating prizes!!) and the more pages you will get done!
Please link up your creation in this thread for a chance to win and I will also have a challenge box you can check during the upload process.
Look for **Stash Busters Challenge**
You can submit more than one page/project for each challenge so feel free to make use of your inspiration.
**You can combine all these prompts. Each prompt you use is good for one chance to win...so use 3 prompts on one layout = 3 chances to win!***
We all like to get comments on our pages so if you are playing along please try to find the time to return the favor!
Deadline for these challenges are MONDAY October 21st by 11:59 pm PST
Prompt #1
Use confetti, sequins or gems/enamel dots on a project. At least 6 pieces.
I love this page by spica

This one by ddobson

This one by Tammy Gooksetter
Prompt #2
**This one was suggested by tpgirl**
In honor of Vikki (a fellow Stashbuster) and Amy Tangerine (scrapping icon)---- Make a baby themed layout. Don't have any baby photos to scrap? Use pastel colors then. So either a baby project or a pastel colored project count.
This one Brooklyn's Girl

Page by yakumari

Page by dctuckwell

Prompt #3
Make an autumn themed page. Pumpkins, leaves, apples, Halloween, Thanksgiving----anything that you think fits in this category counts!!
Page by **Marinette**

Page by Nicole Nowosad

Page by Izzy b

Prompt #4
Use this sketch from September Pagemaps 8.5x11

Guest designer sample by **Stashbuster Anne Fisher***

Use this 12x12 sketch from October 2013 Pagemaps

Guest design page by Leeann Pierce

Prompts will now be open for two weeks!
I've decided to host a bi-weekly (twice a month) challenge thread here at Two Peas. The more you play, the more chances you have to win a small scrapping goody from me (and some others who are donating prizes!!) and the more pages you will get done!
Please link up your creation in this thread for a chance to win and I will also have a challenge box you can check during the upload process.
Look for **Stash Busters Challenge**
You can submit more than one page/project for each challenge so feel free to make use of your inspiration.
**You can combine all these prompts. Each prompt you use is good for one chance to win...so use 3 prompts on one layout = 3 chances to win!***
We all like to get comments on our pages so if you are playing along please try to find the time to return the favor!
Deadline for these challenges are MONDAY December 2nd by 11:59 pm PST
Make a page that relates to weather (pictures or title) or use clouds, sun, moon, stars, snowflakes,snow, raindrops, rainbows etc on the project itself.
I LOVE this page by JanGram (fellow Stashbuster)

This one by AlisonLeigh21 has snowflakes and stars

This page is by sweet*Samuel

and this one is digi and was just too pretty not to post. Page by e_ranslow

Use the SHELF design concept to create your page. Make a shelf of paper and embellishments and that's where all (or most of) the action on your page is.
Page by Wendy Smith

Page by Leslie Ashe

This one's by Glitter Girl (Shimelle Laine)

Use this sketch from February 2013 PageMaps to make a page.

Sample page by Lynn Ghahary

Be inspired by this layout by Veronica Goh

For the month of December, these will be the only prompts. I will pick 2 winners and new prompts will appear on December 31st.
Everyone is welcome to play! Pick a prompt and jump right in!
The more you play, the more chances you have to win a small scrapping goody from me (and some others who are donating prizes!!) and the more pages you will get done!
Please link up your creation in this thread for a chance to win and I will also have a challenge box you can check during the upload process.
Look for **Stash Busters Challenge**
You can submit more than one page/project for each challenge so feel free to make use of your inspiration.
**You can combine all these prompts. Each prompt you use is good for one chance to win...so use 3 prompts on one layout = 3 chances to win!***
We all like to get comments on our pages so if you are playing along please try to find the time to return the favor!
Deadline for these challenges are MONDAY December 30st by 11:59 pm PST
Create something crafty and holiday related. If you make it and it's for the holiday, post it here! It could be a gift tag, a holiday card, a Daily December page or a knitted scarf. Let's see what you make!

Some cute things I've seen:
From Danni Reid

Project by JBarksdale

card by Joy Taylor
From pinterest:

Love this card by Kristina Werner (blog here)
and she has a video series too!

Silver and Gold. Use something metallic on your card or page.
Pge by Celine Navarro

Pge by Heather Leopard

Pge by steffinchenb

Make a page about food or something food related. It can be photos, theme or title.
Cute page by Lynn Ghahary

Page by Margievis (fellow Stashbuster!!

Page by Jill Sprott

Use kraft cardstock or patterned paper as your background.
Page by Celeste Smith It's digi but easily translates to paper.

Page by besskinn

Page by Jody Ferlaak