Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week in the Life-Friday

Montauk in the morning. On my way to the bakery to get some much need coffee. I also scored 4 lemon poppy seed muffins for Rich and got breakfast for the girls.

Look at these girls still in bed! They are like slugs!!
I love how A's little head and bun are peaking up from the air matress.

A little beading.

I love the ocean.

Her beach read.

My beach read (which I finished!)

J is trying to convince A to go in.
No luck so she heads in alone!
Success! They are both in!
J is a great kite flier!
Yay! Krissy finally came! Unfortunately, so did the drizzle. We had snacks and wine and dance party time before dinner. This is just the time my camera battery called it quits. We went to The Lobster Roll to eat. I had (of course) a lobster roll. A had fish and chips, Dee and Kris had flounder and J had chicken fingers. Deesert was some kind of smores sundae which was delish!

Week In The Life-Thursday

Car is almost packed for our trip to Montauk.
We're there! Lunch at Gosman's Dock where A had a traumatic event happen. A seagull attacked her while eating her lunch. I guess we were sitting too close to the water. She was very upset and was not herself the rest of the day. My advice was to "suck it up."
Jess and I headed to town looking for a pedicure place. Instead, we ended up at White's where we bought a kite.
Nice shoes! Nice floor in Coffee Tauk,
Beautiful sunset! We hung out in the hot tub (where there was an altercation between this woman who didn't want kids in there with a man who thought it was ok). The pool was nice too. Quick dinner in our room of pizza and salad then we headed to the world's smallest movie theater to watch "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2" It was the second time Diana and I had seen it and the third for A and J. A hated it even more the 3rd time due to the inconsistencies between the movie and the book. Back in the room. A amswered all questions related to Hary Potter for Dee and I while J struggled to read her dumb summer assignment book.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

WITL/ Monday and Tuesday

I took a few photos on Monday and Tuesday.
Monday--just a regular day spent at home catching up on some housework. Cleaned the bathroom, washed the bath mats. I also headed out to Goodwill and St. Vincent De Paul to see if I could find some treasures. I bought 2 wood shelves(2.99 each) a mason jar (1.99) and a crystal sugar bowl (2.99). I got bagels for lunch and stopped in at 7Brothers market and picked up ground beef to make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

Tuesday--the girls slept very late. I did a little crafting, a little web surfing. We went over Dee's so the girls could go swimming. Came home and made dinner.....grilled bbq chicken and salad. Dee stopped over later to hang out.

Week in the Life-Wednesday

No pictures yet but I have them. Wednesday was all about preparation for the short trip we are taking to Montauk.
I did a few loads of laundry and uploaded about 350 photos to Walgreens so I can catch up on Project Life. I woke the girls up at 12:15.
Jess and I headed to Michael's since she had a list for some jewelry making supplies she wanted. I ended up getting some beads to make an ankle bracelet and maybe a necklace.
We also went to Shop Rite..after a quick drive through at Starbucks. Grande iced non-fat latte with 2 equals for me, grande passion fruit iced tea(sweetened) for Jess.
Amanda had gone to Tanger to see Captain America with Megan.
After the supermarket, I put groceries away and did some laundry. I headed out to pick up Amanda and Megan, stopping at The Christmas Tree Store first to get 2 boogie boards for vacation. I gathered the girls and we stopped at Chipolte to get dinner. Came home and ate quickly so I could get to Dee's by 7pm for angel class. We saw a cute little rainbow on the way. Great class! Lots of laughs with Rosemarie. I got home around 11pm and did yet another load of laundry and got the suitcases from the basement. I had a piece of cake and some milk and surfed the web for awhile. I better get to bed because I have a lot of packing to do in the a.m!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lucky Me!

This is what my 2 awesome daughters created for me for my birthday! They hung 45 rainbow hued origami cranes over my scrapping desk. Amazing! I feel very loved! :)